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Accessibility Fund

We have a little fund to make our community more accessible (woop woop!)

If for any reason there are barriers to engaging in the community we invite anyone to apply for up to ~£30 (but ask for more if you need, worth a try) per person per activity to cover personal costs to improve this.


The money can cover just about anything, including but not limited to child/other care, taxis if travelling around is tricky, trains if you live out in the countryside, a live-captioner, recording of the event or loss of earnings if you have a side job along your studies.


Who are we to judge! If you feel it’s a barrier, we agree too.

Informal T&Cs (those are a thing right?)

• We need some sort of proof/receipt of the expense
• We process these at the end of each month so please bear in mind a potential delay
• We are a volunteer-led organisation and do not have the capacity to organise and coordinate additional support ourselves. You are responsible for arranging this support (e.g. interpreter, carer), we’re here to make it financially easier, hope that's OK!

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