Curated by Alim Bidmus Clinical Analyst with Lagos State Primary Healthcare Board @Abdulbidmus on 26th July 2021
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My name is Alim Bidmus from Lagos Nigeria. I work as a Clinical Analyst with Lagos State Primary Healthcare Board and I am the founder of a HealthTech startup - MedVendorHub (A virtual platform for patients to access medical services) - On today's Twitter feed, I made a brief introduction about myself and my job, I discussed my recent project as a lead AI engineer for a machine learning model project developed for ophthalmic care
Good beautiful morning everyone. My name is Alim @AbdulBidmus
and I’m so thrilled to be your curator for the day. I work with @lsphcb – Lagos State Primary Healthcare Board as a Clinical Analyst and I’m the lead AI engineer of a HealthTech startup in Lagos #OHT21#TwitterTakeover
Today, i will be discussing about a recent HealthTech project with
@eyefoundationng where I deployed a Machine learning model for diagnosing ophthalmic conditions #HealthTech#MachineLearning#Ophthalmology
One of the common types of #AI is machine learning. It analyzes and discovers patterns in large data sets in order to aid decision-making. #Algorithms are the building blocks of machine learning which are a set of instructions for completing a set of tasks. #AI#ML#HealthTech
The goal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare isn't to replace physicians but to aid medical decisions. Physicians have a non linear method in reaching a medical diagnosis #OHT21#Physicians#Robotics#AI
One of the major challenge with the project was getting datasets of retinal fundus images of these eye conditions – diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinopathy of prematurity, and congenital cataract Machine Learning and AI in Ophthalmology - Glaucoma Today
Because of the project's uniqueness, I couldn't rely on the vast majority of open-source datasets available online. I had to obtain data from major ophthalmology facilities in Lagos, as well as a few open sources from which I could confirm their authenticity. #AI#Datasets#OHT21
A multi-class classification method was used in grouping the data. I selected this method because we training the machine to diagnose about 5 different ophthalmic conditions #AI#MachineLearning#HealthTechnology#OHT21
I continued to get the right platform for training the model which is Tensorflow. TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning #OHT21#MachineLearning#TensorFlow#HealthTech
Deploying the model was a bit tasking. Had to consider various options of storage and also cost. I went for Azure ML which is a cloud based platform used to train, deploy and automate machine learning models. Azure ML is a versatile platform as it supports Python, R, & R studios.
The ML dev cycle is in 7 stages - data sourcing, data prep, data wrangling, analyze data, train and test the model, and lastly deployment of the model #ML#Cycle#Deployment#ML#AI#OHT21
It was a great experience working as the Lead AI engineer with
@eyefoundationng in developing the ML model. In its few weeks of usage, there has been a decrease in patient's waiting time.
It's my last tweet for today and all thanks to @One_HealthTech
for letting me host #Mondaytakeover On this note I say thanks and good night