Being part of the One Healthtech Community is very much like being part of a family. Whether you are a newsletter reader, an occasional event goer or an avid attendee, you are always welcome and you will always have something in common with other OHT’ers.
A community that supports and promotes under-represented groups to be future leaders in health innovation on a global and national scale is exciting. But being able to inspire, celebrate, enable and champion the work of the amazing people, services and businesses in your local community is a real privilege.
Two years ago, the Bristol One Healthtech Hub was born. Helene Viatge, Sally Powell and Fiona Dawson were part of the original group of Hub leaders and although we didn’t know each other then, our friendship and collective wish to make a real impact in healthtech in Bristol has only grown stronger as time has gone on. Now a larger crew, we continue to work closely together to make a difference in healthtech in Bristol and our wider community.
Sadly, Helene has felt the call of the motherland and is moving back to France next month. I have never met anyone who can network like Helene and it was this superpower that was such a crucial support for the beginnings of the Bristol Hub. We genuinely wouldn’t be as successful without her hard work, dedication and sometimes just sheer determination to get a job done!
She will be so missed, but as au revoir literally means “until we each see each other again”, we can’t wait.
Look out for One Healthtech Paris in the future folks, we know she won’t be able to keep away from OHT for long!
With Love @OHT_Bristol x