One HealthTech London's Lunchtime Sessions came back, this time hosted by our pals of all things data science at the Alan Turing Institute!
This series aimed to showcase the tip top folks working to make healthtech policy the best it can be, whilst also lifting the lids on their personal career journeys, current projects and future hopes... but without all the policy guff (keepin' it real folks).The sessions were 1 hour long in a "fireside chat" format, so perfect for attendees to nip out in their lunch breaks.
We've put all the videos and our favourite photos in one place, in case you missed any, you can catch up!
1. Our first session included the “married couple” Indra Joshi, Clinical Lead for AI and Digital Health at NHS England, and Jess Morley, AI Lead at the Department for Health and Social Care who spoke about developing the NHS Code of Conduct for Data-Driven Technologies, working across DHSC and NHS E, and boat loads of odd superhero metaphors we loved.
Check out the recording here, and follow them at @IndraJoshi10 and @jessRmorley
2. Our second session took a slightly more reflective angle with Tara Donnelly, the Interim Chief Digital Officer at NHS England and Rachel Neaman, an independent digital health consultant. They discussed career paths, NHSX, digital inclusion and diversity in leadership.
Check out the recording here, and follow them at @tara_donnelly1 and @RCNeaman
3. Our third session was an explosion of approaches, ideas and projects on data transparency! We were joined by Nada Al-Hadithy, the National Medical Director’s Clinical Leadership Fellow at the Strategy Unit in the Department of Health and Social Care (phew that was long!), Renate Samson, Senior Policy Advisor at the Open Data Institute and Emma Doyle, Head of Data Policy at NHS England.
Unfortunately we were not able to record this session, however do follow them on Twitter at @HadithyNada, @wallastow and @renatesamson
4. Our last session covered "All Things Open" where we were joined by the "constructively destructive [of toxic academic cultures and practices]" Kirstie Whitaker, Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute and the [My Big Fat Greek Wedding] neck-to-the-head, Hadley Beeman, Chief Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (another PHEW job title!). They raved about their Mozilla experiences, talked about publishing and sharing code and data, and removing the mystique of the "lone, brilliant programer".
Check out the recording here, and follow them at @hadleybeeman and @kirstie_j

A huge thanks to the Alan Turing Institute for hosting and supporting, particularly to Catrin, Dan and Catherine.