OHT London Reading Room Event on the 30th November, the Reading Room series was launched with its first online event. The aim of the Reading Room series is to review and discuss books focused on health, technology and diversity while getting to know other members of the OHT community. The first book for review was Caroline Criado Perez' 'Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men'. There were some familiar healthtech-y friends, as well as some new faces. It was a great hour of chat and discussion, full of interesting insights and different perspectives. We were collectively frustrated at the insights the book held, while wishing for solutions to close the gender data gap. It also sounds like Invisible Women will be making it into lots of people's Christmas stockings this year! The next Reading Room event will take place in the new year with the next book to be decided. All recommendations for books/podcasts/articles would be really appreciated, so if there is something that you think the One HealthTech community should review, please submit all nominations to OHT London here: https://forms.gle/DdzcebgWhbSzYuU99
Written by Anne Marie Delaney