Bernie Clarke
OHT Fellow

Managing Director of Evolution Recruitment Solutions - NHS
Manchester Hub
What inspired you to pursue a career in HealthTech?
I chose to start a business working with and placing health tech professionals. Within Tech there are many sectors. Health feels more meaningful than others that are more commercial and I can feel confident of the benefit the people we deliver are having to both patients and clinicians.
If you could wave a magic wand and advance any area or issue in HealthTech - what would it be?
It would be to level up the playing field for men and women in the health tech workplace. We are in 2023 and to hear some of the issues still facing women, we still have a long way to go. There has been much progression but there remains pockets of bias, misogyny and lack of parity when it comes to careers. Often women are not at the events where the heads up or the shoulder tapping occurs mainly due to managing the burden of childcare and the household. This is where it begins but throughout all of the hiring process women are on the backfoot. Women often feel less confident throughout the interview process, they are less confident in asking for a salary increase or putting their head above the parapet to gain a promotion.
If you were a superhero, what would your power be?
Read people minds! I am very nosy!
What's your favourite way to de-stress after a busy day at work?
A run or the gym or a dog walk with Daisy my lovely Border Collie.
What's your favourite hobby or activity that has nothing to do with your job?
Snowboarding - my favourite place to be is snowboarding down a mountain.
Who are your heroes?
I love women who have faced adversity or paved the way in some way. I love Vivienne Westwood and Chanel for how they help shaped what women wear today.